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Monday, February 20, 2012

Dating: Updates on the Train Wreck(s)

When I was talking to a friend the other night, I realized that it is probably more efficient for me to carry around a mini tape recorder in order to keep up with these stories. Can you picture it? "Time-stamp: 1:30am. Location: bar. Situation: about to get awkward." But, since that is... well... weird and against all social norms, I have to resort to some brief updates on the situations I have started, ruined, or since created. My apologies for the lack of bloggage (new term people) lately!

Mr. Kool

Remember my blind date with the teacher? Well, he wanted to go on another date- on a Saturday. I have already explained my theory on weekend dates, so there was no way this was happening. Instead, I turned this into "My friends and I are doing _____, let me know if you want to meet up!" Too harsh? No, just smart, people. And I think the "!" adds a nice friendly touch to that statement. You know you agree. So, we met up. I again saw that we had no problem carrying on a conversation, but that he lacks a general sense of humor- AKA the most important quality in a person. He's what I will call a "topic guy"- not good with mindless silly banter. I live for mindless silly banter, and I also enjoy some harmless mockery. He does not bring either to the table. So, my consensus: he's nice, but entirely too dull for me. Case closed on Mr. Kool.


Remember when I was on a date with Mr. Kool and ran into Gimp? Well, I decided that since I probably ruined that situation, I might as well go down in a blaze of glory. So, I texted him that Friday- trying my best to be "breezy." (If you get that "Friends" reference, you know me well. If you don't, you should probably brush up on the greatest show ever created.) I told Gimp that I was hitting the town, and asked if he'd be out and about. Although his response was definitely delayed, he did in fact respond (point- Jess). As it turned out, Gimp was in Vegas! He responded AND had a good excuse. A week later, he texted me on a Thursday to see if I wanted to meet up with him and friends. Now, most of you know how lame I am during a week of teaching, but I was ready to make an exception under one condition- I needed a wing-man. After Ms. Cablaam didn't respond, I knew just who to contact- the same guy who I have wing-manned for 2 year now. I will call him Fabio, due to his recent poor hair choices. Fabio owed me... big time. I will let you see for yourself how that went down:
Thanks a lot, Fabio.  Fast forward again a couple weeks to this past weekend when I went out with Ms. Cablaam. I contacted Gimp mostly to get his friend, Money, out for Ms. C. Long story short, Gimp had done the Polar Plunge and wasn't out. (Look at him doing charity work...) We have tentative plans to hang out in 2 weekends from now. Stay tuned. This ain't over until the fat lady Lil Jeezy sings.

*New Situation- MPP Boy

Friend B and I decided we were going home around 1:30 one night. OK, that's a lie. We decided to go get pizza around 1:30. On our way home, we decided to pop into the tree bar for one more drink. As we were standing at the bar, we started talking to a couple guys. They were nice, social, decent looking, and very successful for guys our age. (This is a new thing in comparison to my guy friends... 25 and actually in a career? Unheard of.) Since it was already 1:30 when we got there, bar time approached pretty quickly. MPP Boy asked us if we wanted to come back for a "glass of wine." I believe I laughed out loud at this. But, friend B and I went, and as it turns out, he is a BALLER. Lives alone in a 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom condo that's professionally decorated. We ended up staying until 4am talking and yes- drinking wine like classy folks. MPP Boy asked for my number, and we had a brief follow-up text convo the next day. "Maybe next time we can hang out before the hours of 2-4 am" was the gist of it. I then heard from him this past Thursday, asking what my plans were for the weekend. We never met up, mostly due to me having a herd of people in town, but B and I are really thinking we made some new friends here! I guess I'm willing to trade the two pieces of pizza we never got for two new friends. Unless it's Mac and Cheese.

*New Situation- Harp Boy

The funny part about this guy's "fake name" is that I literally can't remember his real name for the life of me. I know this sounds terrible, but you know that moment when you realize you've been talking to someone for an hour? And you thought it was going to be a 15 second "Hello I'm ___" conversation? And it's way too late to ask them their name again (especially when they are dropping yours regularly? Well, that's what happened, so please withhold your judgment. He is "Harp Boy" because I met him at the Harp in Milwaukee after a fundraiser. Hollywood alert: I also met the HAMM BROTHERS (Paul and Morgan) the same night at the same bar! Seriously, I was like a 12 year old girl at a Justin Bieber concert. You better believe I got a picture with them. OK, I'm getting sidetracked, but I swear that story is actually relative. Let's cut to the chase- I ended up at Harp Boy's house that night. Yes, he owns a house. Another 25 year old who is actually going somewhere in life. Man, that's two! Ha. Harp Boy was actually extremely nice, funny, and charming. Too bad he lives in Milwaukee. After getting laughed at by my friends when I walked in the next morning, B and I headed back to Madison. I heard from Harp Boy later that day, and then the day after Valentine's Day:
Seriously hilarious. Considering I laugh at my own cheesy/awful jokes, this humor is right about at my level. Nicely done, Harp Boy.

*New Old Old/New(?) Situation- Bobby

Eigh. I can't even believe I'm typing this right now. To understand this story, I need to take you back about 2 1/2 years. Yes folks, I meant to write YEARS there. This is also a common occurrence in my life- situations always seem to resurface at the most inopportune times and hang around for years. If I would have started this Blog earlier, we might have had ourselves a Lifetime movie by now. Basically, I met Bobby at a friend's birthday. I drove a couple people to the bar before going home since I was teaching the next day. Bobby was one of those people. Later that night, one of my friends told me that Bobby asked her for my number. We have many mutual friends, so we hung out a few times in groups. If I hadn't of know Bobby already had my number, I would have thought the guy had forgotten meeting me. Translation: he was pretty shy. Finally, he ended up asking me for my number one night, and pretended to put it into his phone again when I gave it to him. Silly Bobby. He then asked me to hang out a couple times, but I never could when he asked. It wasn't that I was uninterested, it just never really worked out, and he wasn't exactly Mr. Persistent. So, I wrote it off. The last time I remember seeing him was a couple years ago at a friend's goodbye party. At that point, my interests were elsewhere. Apparently Bobby moved to MN last year.

Now we can jump to present day when I went to meet Bobby's friend out in Madison. He was visiting from MN, and I clearly didn't put two and two together- Bobby was also here. I was preparing for awkwardness, as usual. Never leave home without it. But, surprisingly, it was really good seeing him and not (too) awkward. Actually, I think the awkward part was hearing that 95% of the bar was on a mission to bring us together. This includes, but is not limited to the following: His friends telling my friends that they need to "help facilitate this;" Bobby getting a "pep talk" from a friend while I was in the bathroom; Bobby's friend telling my friend B "they are perfect for each other." Uh, what?? And, again, I thought, "never would have known if everyone else didn't tell me." I guess the conspiracy worked, because Bobby and I ended up spending quite a bit of time together that night/morning...

Way to go, Lil Jeezy. Let's wait until 2 years later when he doesn't even live here anymore. "Let me know if you're ever in MN." "Let me know if you're ever in Madison." Great. Although I ended up being more interested in Bobby than I thought, my next update will probably be in another 2 years. If I'm still blogging... and not a lesbian by then. (That's a joke.)

New Years Resolution Updates

I am officially going to VEGAS!!! Thanks to my college friends for taking the plunge and planning the best reunion yet! I believe the count-down is to 70 days... :).

Being happy for people who are getting married is still a work in progress. One of my best friends is getting married, and yes, of course I am happy for her! But... she's also a best friend... so I am happy for her when she finds a pair of shoes on sale at TJMAXX for $10 (true story). All I'm saying is that it's hard to judge based on that particular situation. I had another recent engagement announcement as well- a good guy friend from high school. After reflecting on my reaction to that one, I maybe could have handled it a biiitttt better. Let me explain. You know how you have a "backup" husband? A guy friend you agree to marry if you're still single by a certain age? Well, I had one of those. He recently got engaged. What do you do when your BACKUP husband gets engaged?! Anyway, you can understand why my reaction wasn't as tactful as it could have been. Oops. That should be a fun wedding to attend. Oh I'm just SO HAPPY FOR THEM :D.

After putting words to my recent experiences, I realize that 2012 Lil Jeezy is pretty much a hot mess. When Fabio, formerly know as "male player of the year," starts telling you that he's proud of the new 2012 you, it's actually quite frightening. I hate to say it, but 2012 Lil Jeezy is out of control. That happened... quickly.